Which one of my pets are you?

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This photo is Almond! This quiz will determine which of my pets you are! two of the pets you could be are not alive anymore, sadly, but I still included them in this quiz because I am still addicted to them...

This quiz will ask you ten questions, and you should answer them honestly to get the best result for you! You could be, 2 different African mantises, 2 different Rainbow Skinks (AKA Plague Skinks), or 2 different domestic Mice!

Created by: Lara
  1. What do you do in your free time?
  2. What would you eat?
  3. If you could be one of these animals, what one would you be?
  4. What would you work as?
  5. What was/is your favorite school subject?
  6. What name sounds best to you?
  7. What sounds fun to you?
  8. What dog breed would you have?
  9. What is your favorite animal?
  10. Did you like this quiz? (No effect on answer)

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Quiz topic: Which one of my pets am I?
