Which One of my OCs Are You?

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Well, I got this idea from a lot of my friends, so I decided to make a quiz based on which OC of mine you'd turn out to be. It's not a long quiz, but it DID take me a long time to come up with

So PLEASE no hate, it's just an idea I got from my friends, so sit back grab some popcorn and a soda (no not really), and enjoy the show! REMEMBER, these characters are mine, my own, my preciousss

Created by: Nazgurl340
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You have just been selected to be the commander of an army...
  2. You've just come back from your first battle, to find out your baby dragon has hatched...
  3. You've been called to a counsel meeting...
  4. Who are your companions?
  5. What is your hobby?
  6. What do you name your dragon?
  7. Would you kill your best friend if Lord Sauron ordered it?
  8. If you had a child what would it's name be?
  9. You are...
  10. Someone just punched your best friend...

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Quiz topic: Which One of my OCs am I?