Which one of my Ninjago OCs would be your friend?

Meet my O.Cs, Luna and Taiyo, masters of Darkness and Light. But which do you have more in common with? What do they think of you? Take this quiz to find out!

I had a lot of fun making this. If you want to learn more about these O.Cs, check out my (Not published but take a look at it when it is) Wattpad story, Ninjago: The Lost Elements

Created by: Abbie?
  1. Do you prefer nighttime or daytime?
  2. Scary things?
  3. Which colors do you like best?
  4. Shy or Confident?
  5. You're opinion on the ninja?
  6. Favorite flavor?
  7. Okay, Role play time!
  8. You, Taiyo, and Luna are going out, what are you doing?
  9. You're in a cafe, when suddenly some nindroids come and start raiding the place. What do you do?
  10. You walking home, and you see The Ninja doing battle with The Mechanic. What do you do?
  11. Do you like crystals?
  12. Did you like this quiz (No effect)

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Quiz topic: Which one of my Ninjago OCs would be my friend?
