Which one of my Naruto OC's are you?

Im tired. So anyway. This quiz will tell you which one of my Naruto OC's you are. It will also tell you what the other characters think of you.

Im like really bored. And my back hurtzz i neeeed more sleep . Are you still reeaading this????? you dont nneeedd tooo. Please enjoy or whatever. byeeee

Created by: Kibasgirlfriend1
  1. How would you describe your self?
  2. What is your favorite color?
  3. Who would be your best friend in Naruto?
  4. Who should die?
  5. Who is your rival?
  6. Im gonna be hokage!
  7. Your mean...
  8. Sorry i need 10 questions...
  9. Are you haveing a good day??? -_-
  10. Goood byeee

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Quiz topic: Which one of my Naruto OC's am I?
