which one of my miraculous ladybug OCs are you?

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hello this is true ravenclaw here. this time the quiz is which one of my miraculous ladybug OCs are you. please take this quiz, it took me at least two hours to make this quiz.

this quiz is about miraculous ladybug OCs (duh). the results you can get are avani and kendra. my sister unicorn cake ( her name is not really unicorn cake that is just her gotoquiz name) made avani so not all of them are my OCs but i did make kendra. please check out unicorn cakes first quiz please rate it high and comment on her quiz too.

Created by: true ravenclaw
  1. pick a letter that you like.
  2. what is your hair color?
  3. what is your favorite color scheme?
  4. how popular are you
  5. what is your favorite animal
  6. describe your personality part 1
  7. describe your personality part 2
  8. are you ____?
  9. what is your hobby
  10. black or white (not related to skin tone)
  11. sorry this quiz is not very good
  12. pick a power
  13. how confident are you?
  14. who would you be friends with in the miraculous ladybug universe
  15. would you rather have ladybug's power or chat noir's power?
  16. would you be the leader of a group of a follower
  17. what is your hogwarts house
  18. BYE!

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Quiz topic: Which one of my miraculous ladybug OCs am I?
