Which one of my made up Harry potter male are you?

In the magical world of Harry potter many things can happen love revenge to death however scary things can happen on the way which one of my sexy made up Harry potter males are you? You can only be one so who?

How HP frantic are you? Its always a wonder who you would be in HP if you were in it I know who I would be! But how about you? Every wonder who you would be if you were in the magical world of Harry potter? Take this quiz and find out!

Created by: melissa Barzal of lipgloss beauty rush
(your link here more info)
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Ok whats your fav color *ducks to dodge sharp object that was throwen*
  2. Some guy stoll your girlfriend how do you react?
  3. Hows your outlook on yourself?
  4. Do you have a girlfriend?
  5. Who's your bestfriend?
  6. What apprance appeals you the most at the moment?
  7. What does your girlfriend look like?
  8. What name appeals you?
  9. Your girlfriend just got stunned by an eneamy how do you react?
  10. Whats your girlfriends name????

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Quiz topic: Which one of my made up Harry potter male am I?