Which one of my kitties are you?

The whole topic of this quiz is cats! Hahah. I based it on the warriors because this book series really shows that there can be different personalities and different people.

Personally, I think I'm a genius. I am not saying I'm vain and stuff like that, but....I'm allowed to have and opinion. I hope you guys enjoy my quiz.

Created by: warriors
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. I know people hate this question, but what is your fave color?
  2. What color do you prefer your pelt to be?
  3. What color are your eyes?
  4. RP time! Your are out in the forest hunting, but you here your friend battling a fox. What would you do?
  5. What name appeals to you?
  6. More RP! So, you're in a battle with ________clan. Your leader is pinned down by a really big cat. Your mother is lying there, blood gushing from her throat. And your mate is getting pushed toward the ravine. Who do you save.
  7. What position would you rather be?
  8. What clan would YOU like to be in? Me, personally, would be in Thunderclan.
  9. One last RP. You over hear your friend plotting to kill you. you want to tell your leader, but it would just make things worse. What do you do?
  10. How did you like my test?

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Quiz topic: Which one of my kitties am I?