Which one of my friends are you?

There are many of my friends i wanted to name,but I only can name 3 :3 when you are thinking and this quiz says your name...........................................................................................................................................................................Haha suckers!!!!

Are you one of my friends?Do you have what it takes to see if you are my best friend?Until now you can wonder.But in just a minute,you can see which friend of mine you really are!

Created by: Breanna

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Are you stupid,in a good way?
  2. Are you good friends with a person that starts with a "B"?
  3. If you have a pet,whats its name?
  4. What is your house's color
  5. Are you bored yet?
  6. That last one didn't count,well if your bored yet,to bad.
  7. That one didn't count either....
  8. That one didn't count...
  9. I'm kidding,haha suckers!
  10. OK last question!What is your favorite color?

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Quiz topic: Which one of my friends am I?