Which one of my friends are you?

i have a few friends, well alot but i can only add so many at once so imma let you see which one of them you are! hope you like them cuz you are pretty much the same person

IF ANYONE GETS 100% TELL ME BECAUSE YOU ARE PRACTICLY ONE OF THEM also for those wondering they are all my bffs so no, i havent chosen the ones i like the most cuz one of them i hardly play with

Created by: Elissa of Hi!
(your link here more info)
  1. Do you like bananas
  2. What's your hobby?
  3. What's your fav subject
  4. How old are you / how old do you act
  5. What do you normally think / dream about
  6. are you enjoying this quiz so far?
  7. do you have an unknown name (rare name) or hard to spell name ( eg Alyssa but spelling it Eissa) if so, what is it?
  8. what would your friends describe you as
  9. should i add more questions to this quiz??
  10. i need 10 questions soooo

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Quiz topic: Which one of my friends am I?

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