Which one of my fan made dragonets are you?

Just a fun quiz I made because I decided to make a fan fiction prophecy and dragonets. Hope you enjoy!!! I actually have a hybrid as a dragonet!!!!!!.

My dragonets are; Star-seeker, a nightwing that can see the future, TidalWave, a seating that's royal animus, Sunstone, a skywing with firescales, sandstorm, a sandwing that's great at fighting, and Frost, a hybrid with frost-venom, and camouflage.

Created by: me
  1. Would you rather see the future, or be a royal animus?
  2. Do you like reading, and studying?
  3. Now, I know you all hate this question, but....what is your favorite color? -Runs away to a completely different continent-
  4. You see a big dragon unfriendly, with enormous teeth. What do you do?
  5. Extraverted, or introverted?
  6. Fight, or flight?
  7. One best friend, or many acquaintances.
  8. How do you plan on ending the war?
  9. You end the war, what do you do?
  10. Last question; What tribe do you want out of these five options?
  11. JUST KIDDING!!! just one more question......Be good at math, and science, or be good at history and geography?

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Quiz topic: Which one of my fan made dragonets am I?

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