Which one of my family members are you most like?

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Welcome to my amazing quiz! Today's quiz will be about some of my family members you are most like. You can get me, my brother (my brother is one of my best friends), my oldest cousin, my youngest cousin, my 6 year old cousin, or my favorite cousin (all those cousins are all sisters). So let's start!

I'd like to give some shout outs to: Sprinkled Spice. They left a comment on the last quiz I made, which means a lot to me. That is all my shout outs for today!

Created by: Keyboard
  1. Welcome to my amazing quiz! Today's quiz will be about some of my family members you are most like. You can get me, my brother (my brother is one of my best friends), my oldest cousin, my youngest cousin, my 6 year old cousin, or my favorite cousin (all those cousins are all sisters). So let's start!
  2. First off, what gender are you?
  3. On a scale of 1-10, how good are you at art? (1 being worst, 10 being best.
  4. Are you part of the LGBTQ clan?
  5. Do you like school?
  6. Do you consider yourself annoying?
  7. Do you like to roleplay?
  8. Have you participated in any school sports?
  9. Have you ever dated anyone?
  10. Comment? Rate?

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Quiz topic: Which one of my family members am I most like?

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