Which One Of My Books Do You Belong In?

Ok, I made this quiz a tiny bit ago but I FORGOT TO NAME IT so like -_- way to go, me. Welp, I redid the entire thing (eXaUgHsTiNg) and I put the name on this time so here you go! I hope you enjoy it :)
This quiz will determine which of my books(that I'm writing) you would fit best in. The possible results are Hijacked: a realistic fiction and suspense novel about cyber hacking. Shift: a modern fantasy novel about spirit animals. Springfield: an early 1900s realistic fiction and romance/drama novel that's sort of like Downton Abbey. and You Should See Me In A Crown: a young adult action, suspense, romance and tragedy novel about the psychopathic Maeve Brooklyn. (ok that last one sounded a bit freaky XD)