Which one of Anna's friends would you be?

All of my friends are completely different but we love each other anyway. Is it possible that your personallity draws you to people before you even know them. If you want to find out which one of my friends you are most like you can take this quiz but if you don't than you can go find some other random quiz.

Would you be my best friend if not how close would we really be. Take this quiz to find out where you would be on my list of top friends. When you take this quiz it is possible that you may learn more about your self and your personallity and maybe even what you will become.....

Created by: Anna of Anna
(your link here more info)

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How long have you had your boyfriend?
  2. When your with your friends you prefer to....
  3. What are you most likely to be seen wearing at school?
  4. What is your after school hobby?
  5. Your relationship with your parents is.....
  6. You grades in school remind you of...
  7. If you were in a movie based on your abilities it would be in the category of....
  8. If you were a fragrance you would be...
  9. If you could travel anywhere in the world you would go to....
  10. Your favorite season is.....

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