Which One: Draco or Harry? I can't decide.. (HP Love story)
This is not a quiz more of a fill in the blank Harry Potter based story. Basically you just pick an answer and you CAN copy this story!! I don't really care as long as it is not on this site! If you do copy this please let the players (OR Whatever people on this site want to be called..) know that this isn't you story!!! This story came from my own head and I don't want people to take all the credit for something they didn't come up with! Now I hope you enjoyed this!!! GIRLS ONLY!!!!!!
Ignore this... its many different keys being pressed..dfjkoshfiohfljdklfjlsdfjiodsjfjgkljfjsdfkljhjkdghdfl;gjklsdjflkhghdfkghljksdfsdjflkhjglkfhgjkdfhgkjdfhgkl;hflkgjlkfjlksdjflkhjgjkdfhgjkhguhrklhsdfjkljdfs