which one direction member is right for you?

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Are you a huge fan of 1D? Do you like them all but you don't know which one you like best? Then take this quiz to see which one direction member is right for you!

Zayn? Harry? Louis? Niall? Liam? They are all awesome and perfect but which one do you like most? Take this quiz to see which angel is truly yours! Try it!!!!!!!!

Created by: 1DHarry
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Where would you like to live?
  2. What is your favorite color?
  3. What two personnalties describe you best?
  4. Do you like Louis?
  5. Do you like Liam?
  6. Do you like Harry?
  7. Do you like zayn?
  8. Do you like niall?
  9. Are you a 1D fan?
  10. Do you smoke or do any kind of drugs?
  11. Do you swear?

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