Which One Direction Member Are You?

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I will do my best to tell you which One Direction member you are! These questions are based on cold hard facts which I have acquired over a long period of time! Please enjoy!

It says this next paragraph should be at least 150 paragraphs long but I don't really know what else to write lol. The weather has been nice lately huh? Or maybe not idk when you will be reading this.

Created by: Sailorfandom
  1. Do you like being the center of attention?
  2. Do you have any odd hidden talents?
  3. Are you affectionate?
  4. What music do you like?
  5. Ice cream?
  6. Fashion?
  7. Food?
  8. Love? (as in romantic love)
  9. Extrovert? or Introvert?
  10. Singing?

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Quiz topic: Which One Direction Member am I?
