Which of the Wisp Sisters are YOU?

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On this quiz, there's not really a good or bad result: all the wisp sisters are as bad as eachother. But at least it's fun to see which one you are, right?

(Note: there's a hidden result in this quiz: see if you can find it! You might have to pick some odd answers... Be sure to leave a comment telling me what character you got!)

Created by: The Hummingbird (Kolibri) of The Hummingbird Tales:
(your link here more info)
  1. You see a wallet at the side of the road! What do you do?
  2. How would you kill your enemy?
  3. What's your favourite food?
  4. Breaking the fourth wall a bit here... which was your favourite book in the Shadow Saga?
  5. Are you on the bad side or the good?
  6. If you could have anything in the world, what would it be?
  7. Which of these quotes stand out to you the most?
  8. What do you really, truely hate?
  9. How much did you enjoy the quiz?
  10. Any last words before we part?

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Quiz topic: Which of the Wisp Sisters am I?