Which of the snowbunny women will you marry?

Do you wanna know which snowbunny you will end up marrying? Well this is the quiz for you. IT IS VERY ACCURATE! there are kids trapped in my basement.

p.s. jaxon ive been in this broom closet with the body for 3 weeks and there's still no sign of you so which broom closet are you even at?????????????

Created by: lil yump
  1. What does your ideal woman look like?
  2. What do you look like?
  3. Do you even like women?
  4. Where is your dream date?
  5. Who is your celebrity crush?
  6. what is your humor like?
  7. Which of the following do you identify with?
  8. whats your favorite school subject?
  9. whos your favorite male snowbunny?
  10. LAST QUESTION, which snowbunny is your least favorite?

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Quiz topic: Which of the snowbunny women will I marry?

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