Which of the Six Original Avengers Are You?

Welcome to this quiz. This is my First ever Avengers quiz so I hope that all of you enjoy it. I'm also sorry if it is the shortest and worst quiz you take.

I'm sorry if my description for the character isn't spot on or if you don't get the character that you wanted or thought you were going to get. It's just a quiz for your enjoyment.

Created by: Skylar
  1. You need to go on your first mission. What's the first weapon you grab.
  2. You grab your weapon and go. When you step outside, Chitari attack you. You kick them off and find a friend getting attacked. But if you save them you will end up getting severe wounds. What do you do?
  3. Do you find yourself giving orders or following them?
  4. Brains or Brawn?
  5. After the Battle, you find a man/woman you like. Do you Flirt?
  6. What do you do after the fight?
  7. Who's your favorite character out of these?
  8. Pick Another Favorite Character Out of These!
  9. What's your power?
  10. Who are you Hoping to Get(THIS DOESN'T EFFECT YOUR SCORE;)

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Quiz topic: Which of the Six Original Avengers am I?
