Which Of the HP Trio Are You?

This quiz will ask questions about Hogwarts. Therefore, you will learn about the book and Hogwarts, as you do this quiz. Have fun. Become a part of the trio!

P. S. You will either become Ron, Hermione, or the boy who lived, Harry. You will learn what you would want to do and be at Hogwarts, if the wizarding world was real.

Created by: idontcare32
  1. You first arrive at Hogwarts. Who do you meet first?
  2. You are now settled in, and is time to get sorted. Which house do you want to go to?
  3. You have you're house, now what do you want your friends to be like?
  4. You are all settled in, and it is time to go to your classes. Which class are you most excited for?
  5. Which pet would you bring to Hogwarts?
  6. Which Professor would you go to if there was trouble?
  7. What spell is your favorite?
  8. What is your blood type?
  9. What is your Patronus?
  10. Okay last question. You have graduated Hogwarts, and are going to find a job What do you want to be?

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Quiz topic: Which Of the HP Trio am I?
