Which of the four elements are you?

This quiz will decide what ACTUAL power you would have if you were in the Avatar world. Instead of asking dumb questions like: what element dragon would you want?? This quiz will ask you real questions that correlate with your true elemental power.

If you enjoy avatar/elemental power based tv shows, books, or concepts then this quiz is for you! I hope you have a fun time and have enjoy playing through my quiz.

Created by: MikeNike56
  1. How would a good friend describe you?
  2. When everything is quiet, what are you thinking about?
  3. What do you do in your free time?
  4. What is your biggest fear? (out of these four)
  5. Who do you hang out with?
  6. How would someone who does not know you well describe you?
  7. What's your favorite school subject?
  8. If someone breaks into your house, what is your first instinct?
  9. What is your best sense?
  10. What would you change about yourself if you could?

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Quiz topic: Which of the four elements am I?
