Which of the five elemelons are you?

An elemelon is a melon based on an element. Watermelon is based on water, so there must be other melons for the other elements right? Of course! Or at least there is now ;)

Take this short personality quiz to determine which of the five elemelons you are. Please don't forget to rate and leave a comment telling me what you got and if it's accurate to you!

Created by: a_tree_man of carrd.co
(your link here more info)
  1. What is your favorite flavor?
  2. What power would you rather have?
  3. What creature would you rather be?
  4. What do you find the hardest to deal with?
  5. Do you prefer dawn or dusk?
  6. Do you prefer the moon or the stars?
  7. Do you prefer the forest or the river?
  8. Do you prefer light or dark?
  9. Do you prefer heads or tails?
  10. Do you prefer left or right?

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Quiz topic: Which of the five elemelons am I?
