Which of the big three is your parent- Percy Jackson

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This quiz shows who of the big three of the Greek Gods is your father. It also shows who your siblings are. Do this quiz and you will get a cookie and a very good one.

Do this a quiz to have a brilliant time and tell your family and friends what you got and make them do the quiz too. Remember to say they get a cookie.

Created by: SL1ZzaRYT_real
  1. What is your favourite colour?
  2. Who is your favourite character?
  3. What results do you believe you will get?
  4. Are you a fan of the Percy Jackson series
  5. What do you prefer?
  6. What book is your favourite?
  7. What power would you have
  8. What do you wish you were
  9. What God is your least favourite?
  10. What is your favourite god

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Quiz topic: Which of the big three is my parent- Percy Jackson
