Which of my warrior cat OCs are you most like?

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Hello! This is, as the title reads, basically about my warrior cats OCs. They are Snowkit, Cloudshard, Emberleaf, Fernflower, Storm, and Adder. Information about each character in the next paragraph. The picture is of Storm!

Cloudshard- A silver tabby tom. Protective, stubborn, hard-worker. -- Emberleaf- Dark spotted tom. Sensitive, stealthy, quiet. -- Fernflower- White-and-ginger she-cat. Caring, loving, kind. --Storm- loner, has d1ed, Fernflower's mate/white tabby tom. Unknown personality. --Snowkit- Fernflower and Storm's kit- White tabby she-cat. Playful, bold. --Adder- The "villain" of this story. Ginger and white tom with green eyes.

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  1. Are you extroverted or introverted?
  2. Would you protect those closest to you in a life-threatening situation?
  3. Put yourself into a situation below, assuming you have the skills to do any of them well.
  4. How would you describe yourself?
  5. How would your character earn scarring?
  6. What Warriors Clan do you think you would be in?
  7. Would you rather use medicine to help others or help yourself first?
  8. Which one do you think you'll get?
  9. Are you more of a rational thinker or an emotional thinker?
  10. This is the last question, where would you live?

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Quiz topic: Which of my warrior cat OCs am I most like?

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