Which Of My Three OCDs Are You?

You will be taking this quiz to find out if you are more like Jazmine (Merppy), Ana, or Shade (Shady). These are three of my main OCDs from my childhood.

Make sure to answer all questions and try to be honest. If you’re not sure about a question, just pick a random answer. You will see your results at the end and I hope you enjoy this quiz!!

Created by: KimPotato
  1. How would you describe yourself?
  2. What colors would you prefer?
  3. What’s your favorite food out of these three?
  4. Do you know Selena Gomez?
  5. Which Eevee evolution would you be?
  6. Would you want to be in a relationship?
  7. What would you eat at a petty if you were given two choices?
  8. If all the people you love were in trouble, who would you most likely save?
  9. If you love your best friend A LOT, would you be lesbian/gay for them?
  10. How was this quiz?

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Quiz topic: Which Of My Three OCDs am I?
