Which of my OCs are you?

Hi! Welcome to this quiz! I’m using my OCs from two stories that exist together, Legends of Aeonia and Seeing Stars. I’ve been working on these stories for a few years now, so I thought I’d do something with the characters.

These characters still need a bit more development, but I still think a little quiz would be fun, so I’ve compiled a few questions to determine which one you are most similar to!

Created by: Gentry Miles
  1. Hi! Welcome to my quiz! Let’s start simple by picking a color!
  2. Pick a random item from my room that resonates with you, or just seems interesting.
  3. What kind of weather is your soul?
  4. Describe your life to me through poetic metaphors with no specific meaning
  5. WARNING: Will not hesitate to ___
  6. How many people have you been in a romantic relationship with? (Pick whatever is most applicable even if it doesn’t perfectly match up)
  7. Pick a platform to watch your favorite content on!
  8. Pick an artist I listen to sometimes
  9. What role would you say fits you based on my descriptions?
  10. Finish this sentence. “My love is as countless as ___”
  11. Thanks for taking my quiz! Before you go, tell me what you really want in life.

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Quiz topic: Which of my OCs am I?
