which of my OCs are you?

Hello! Thanks for choosing this quiz! My OCs are really important to me, so I thought, why not make a quiz so you can see which of my OCs you are like?

This quiz is, if it's not obvious, a personality quiz, so no wrong answers or rules! Wait, I take it back, there is one rule, have fun! anyways, begin the quiz!

Created by: Lily-chan
  1. what element do you like the best?
  2. Roleplay time! Your friend is about to fall off a cliff! Do you:
  3. what song lyric do you think is like you?
  4. what sounds like your vibe
  5. what time of day is the best for you?
  6. running out of things to ask. also, what color is your favorite?
  7. what gem is your favorite
  8. are you an introvert, extrovert, or ambivert (introverts are a person who is quiet and likes to be alone, extroverts are gregarious and unreserved people, and an ambivert is a bit of each.
  9. what word fits you the best
  10. last question, did you like the quiz (anything in the () is my comments btw)

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Quiz topic: Which of my OCs am I?
