which of my OC's are you?

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Hi so i'm like new AF and this is my first quiz to make and i hope you like it. i have made exactly 105 OC'S and i couldn't use them all so like and commit and if you like this i would love to make more.

Also please commit with some tips i may need it. i suck at this and i need to make space so yeah that is what is happening:hdiehfgureovfuregfiegqiuodeqfkjrl ok enjoyLOL

Created by: Ice_Fire_Wolf14
  1. What is your weapon of choice?
  2. RP TIME!!!: You for no god knowing reason are in the wood. Then you hear "You can run but you will die!" what do you do?
  3. RP TIME AGAIN!!: someone kills you BFF and you know who. what do you do?(wasting scape don't ask:gyftyddytdrddtstrdfgvcfghytrfdswedfghjkjbghkcfgxfcfztzdzszdfzfgxdfxdyxtdxdyrxfzdfxgfzfgxtyxfxfgxftufgxgcvcgcghcgcycgfxfgxtyxfgxfghcxhfxjxfgxhccfgghkcxdfxdfxfgfxx bccfxfggfxsdAsdghfgcghjmbnjjhngfdxszmnhjkoiuytrewsasdfvghytfghjnbguihopiuoyifhgjhfdytsreawerwteyjhgbjli;jknjbhjfghkjh) yeah...
  4. RP TIME (I know shocker): You for some reason get a bf/gf and then you find out you friend likes them what do you do?
  5. OK LAST RP: You are at at home when you hear your parents fighting (again) and you need to leave where do you go?
  6. SIKE RP: Your friend gets bullied what do you do?(again wasting space:fdertyuiijhgyftrtxerwzqwqEZwrxetrcjnhgvfcdxszadsdxfchgvivcxyungh,uybf rvsevbtngmhuigoimhigytmcnerserhghloijuihjbgcrsxsejgyuyugyugyughghjgjhghjbvuybipuhiughgvtdvbuhnjbhugytfrdeswazsxdcfgvhbjnlk)i really really suck at this-_-
  7. What's your fav. creepypasta?
  8. You saw this coming. fav.color?
  9. RP TIME(shocker more RP):Your dad is cheating on your mom and you find out, what do you do?
  10. So what do you think? (has no effect on result just want to know)

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Quiz topic: Which of my OC's am I?

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