Which of my guinea pigs are you?

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Hey! its EmmaTheEmpath! normally I do book themed quizzes, but TODAY i made a GUINEA PIG TEST!!!!!! Yay!! I had two guineas, Peppercorn and chocolate.

See what of my guineas are you most like. Are you the cuddly and adorable peppercorn? or are you the energetic and sweet chocolate? Find out here! EmmaTheEmpath out!

Created by: EmmaTheEmpath
  1. Are you energetic?
  2. what do you like better? Grass or carpet?
  3. Do you chew on your hair? (no one will see this.)
  4. do you like people?
  5. If you got a cat or dog, would it be one solid color or a few colors?
  6. Do you like Music?
  7. If you could be either rodent, which one would you be?
  8. Do you like Guinea pigs?
  9. do you like doing these quizzes?
  10. Did you like it??

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Quiz topic: Which of my guinea pigs am I?

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