Which of my Glee OC's are you?

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I'm a hard core gleek, and have been since I watched the pilot. I love and appreciate how much time and effort the actors and crew have put into this beautifully hilarious show.

My favourite character is Kurt, and my favourite ship is Kurt and Blaine aka KlineI just love the show heaps and I don't care how geeky loving glee is.

Created by: Axel
  1. Gender?
  2. Are you short for your age?
  3. Are you LGBTQ?
  4. Are you married?
  5. Do you love Broadway more than life?
  6. What's your favourite colour?
  7. Do you want to be an actor?
  8. Have you ever drunk anything? (Alcohol)
  9. Do you ship characters and people and stuff?
  10. Did you like ma quiz?

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Quiz topic: Which of my Glee OC's am I?

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