which of my fan characters are you?

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who are you? are you evil, good, do you have powers, are you weak, strong? take the quiz to find out. :D ....:D.....


Created by: claw

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. do you ever feel like you have an evil side?
  2. angels or demons?
  3. if you were a cat, what do you think you would look like?
  4. what color are your eyes?
  5. how do you fight?
  6. what is your theme song?
  7. out of these, which are you most likely to say?
  8. most appealing food?
  9. most appealing sounding song?
  10. best animal?

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Quiz topic: Which of my fan characters am I?