Which of my dogs are you most like?

I know you don’t know me or my dogs, but people like quizzes about dogs and which dog they are. I know that because I’m a people, too. So I urge you to take my quiz to find out which of my dogs you are.

Sé que no me conoces a mí ni a mis perros, pero a la gente le gustan los cuestionarios sobre perros y qué perros son. Lo sé porque yo también soy un pueblo. Así que te insto a que respondas mi prueba para averiguar cuál de mis perros eres.

Created by: Claire
  1. Have you ever been stung by a bee?
  2. Are you shy?
  3. What color is your hair?
  4. When you were younger (or now) did you/do you have to wear a leash?
  5. Have you been on a plane before?
  6. Have you gone out of the country?
  7. Have you been on a cruise?
  8. Are you from the 21st century or 20th? (Or even 19th!)
  9. What does your name begin with?
  10. What does your middle name begin with?
  11. Where was the last place you were before where you are now?
  12. Are you big or small? Count by height or strength or weight. It won’t change anything.
  13. Do you have teeth?
  14. If so, how many?
  15. Do you eat healthy?
  16. Do you weigh more than someone older than you?
  17. Do you shed a lot?
  18. Do you like water? Ocean and pools. Not drinking water.
  19. Can you swim?
  20. Do you have or wear glasses? Any glasses.
  21. When I say “Sit”, what do you do?
  22. Are you loud?
  23. Who or what were you named after?
  24. Gender

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Quiz topic: Which of my dogs am I most like?
