Which of my Characters are You?

We all have made own characters in our lives. From simple dreams to huge novels charting their adventures, all of us have done it. But which of mine are you?

Are you Hrodohaidis, the rebel without a cause? Or Anja, the kindly one who holds her anger in? Or the depressed Violetta, who has so few friends?

Created by: Marianne

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Hi! My name is Marianne, and I'm your host for this quiz. First question: Pick a name.
  2. RP time! You see a rule saying not to knock on a certain door, but you have a message for the person inside. What do you do?
  3. You have been imprisoned for two hours as part of a game. You...
  4. Which plot seems the best for your life?
  5. Pick a colour.
  6. Do you want to fall in love?
  7. Pick a language.
  8. Pick a number.
  9. More RP! You are watching TV and someone switches it off. You...
  10. Final RP question. You are choosing a name for a story character. You choose...
  11. That's it! Thank you for playing this quiz! Hope you like results!

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Quiz topic: Which of my Characters am I?