Which of Les Amis from Les Miserables are you?

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Les Amis l'ABC are the group of student revolutionaries who appear in the Victor Hugo novel 'Les misérables'. They fight for the Republic in the rebellion of June 5th and 6th.

Which one of them are you most similar to? Take this quiz to find out! At the end, you will get a breakdown of which members of Les Amis l'ABC you are.

Created by: roly poly
  1. You are visiting home for the holidays and having dinner with your family. They are saying some extremely offensive things. You...
  2. You find a bear in a poacher's bear trap. What do you do?
  3. There are 10 people on a lifeboat including you. There is 1 stranger drowning in the water. The lifeboat can only hold 10 people. What do you do?
  4. You are an innkeeper, and a person arrives asking for food and lodging. He is extremely shady and you know he was a violent criminal. You...
  5. You are in a lecture, and have no idea what is going on. You...
  6. What would your best vampire life be?
  7. You need money from an ATM but you forgot your PIN. You...
  8. A person sees you on the street and decks you in the face. Why?
  9. Why did they do surgery on a grape?
  10. What Hogwarts house are you in?
  11. Does your back hurt?
  12. What does your handwriting look like?
  13. Which non-ami character is your favourite?
  14. Which of les amis do you think you are? (I can only put 8 options per question, so the list continues in the next question.)
  15. (These options are a continuation of the previous question. If you pick one of the answers here, please pick 'none of these' on the previous question and vice versa.)
  16. Finally, tell us a bit about your experience in Les Amis.

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Quiz topic: Which of Les Amis from Les Miserables am I?
