Which of John's swords would fit you?

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I think you will find this quiz to your liking. It will tell you which of John's swords is best for you. Take this quiz and become awesome.

You're epic, you know it. Yet you still do not know which is the sword for you, and that is why we are here.

Created by: Jantremendous of Fanfiction.net
(your link here more info)
  1. If you're irritated and just want to save your girlfriend, which one of these type of swords would you choose?
  2. What's your physical status? (Just need to know for your sword :)
  3. Which of these color's suits you?
  4. Would you prefer a girlfriend that's one of these? (Just a random question :)
  5. Are you enjoying this quiz so far?
  6. Are you a good-guy, a bad-guy, or an anti-hero, good nor evil.
  7. Which one of these Anime's are you into?
  8. a choice between saving your girlfriend but turn yourself to the dark side, or kill yourself for her freedom and stay good?
  9. Are you a follower of good or evil? @_@ I'M WATCHING YOU...

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