Which OC Are You?

Hey there! Welcome to this quiz, here you shall answer a few questions, then see which one of Victories OCS you are most like! You answer 10 questions, then you get your results! Have fun!

Now you just need to answer the questions, be truthful okay? Also, just have some fun doing this quiz! I am the creator, @victoryvmanga_vx, so feel free to talk to me if needed!

Created by: VictoryVManga_VX of Instagram,
(your link here more info)
  1. Your favorite color?
  2. What’s your personality?
  3. Bit personal but...You suffering from any mental stuff?
  4. What’s your fav Element out of these : Fire, Earth, Mind, Light. or None
  5. If you are mad, you would
  6. You like long hair or nah?
  7. What’s your preferred weapon?
  8. Are you athletic?
  9. Anime fan anyone?
  10. Final question! You like hentai-(I’m so sorry)

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Quiz topic: Which OC am I?
