Which o. C character are you?

We shall see who is an o. C fan. Is it you? Prove it!

There arnt many o. C fans but that's whAT WE GANA find out now in this quiz but thanks for doing this just rate this quiz after your done plz thanks.....

Created by: taylor

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. is global warming and world peace,and animals all a concern 4 you?
  2. does poetry interest you?
  3. do you think you would start jogging?
  4. whats your hobby?
  5. whats your fav colour here?
  6. do you like the o.c
  7. do u fuss about your wardrobe
  8. animals?your thing?
  9. whats your mood right now
  10. ok now your about to leave my awesome o.c quiz how do you feel about it?

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Quiz topic: Which o. C character am I?