Which O2L Member Are You Meant For?

OK everyone loves o2l but only you can control your love life..........?................................ ........peace out peeps harharharhar

Are you a genius do you have the brain to complete this test huh do ya do ya do ya well this has nothing to do with brains it is just for fun peace out lol

Created by: sabrina

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Which of these boys are your favorite?
  2. What would be your first date?
  3. What is your fav color?
  4. What's your fav thing to do?
  5. What's your most prized possession?
  6. Say your sleeping and are woken up by a burgalar. What would you do?
  7. Are you bored.
  8. Are you afraid of...
  9. 2 more questions are you excited
  10. Final question. All the people from O2L ask you out. Which do you choose?

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Quiz topic: Which O2L Member am I Meant For?