which o2l member are you?

this quiz is all about o2l and which one you are and your lucky to get any one of them i hope your happy with your scores and hope you have a wonderful life!!

please comment and like this quiz tell me if you don't like it or if you did i would to hear all your opinions i luv everybody whos takes the quiz hope you liked it!

Created by: emma
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. whats favorite color!
  2. whos your favorite
  3. how old are you (no effect just wondering)
  4. whos your least favortie?
  5. pick one
  6. hi!
  7. do you like this quiz
  8. do you even watch o2l
  9. favorite seasons (doesnt count just needed 12 questions)
  10. favorite sport

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Quiz topic: Which o2l member am I?