Which Noble Element Are You? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz Which Noble Element Are You?
Element of spirit,I do like the dark arts and witchcraft alot I also would find it cool being able to communicate with the dead and travel through the pits of hell. Cool quiz mate.
Zimswife1 -
S542, by space, i mean like outer space like the planets and stars. if u get space ur able to control the lifespan of them. the same concept goes with spirit, luck and time. in spirit, u get to control the lives and deaths of any creature, human, and basically nature. in luck, u get to control the amount of luck someone has, and in time, you get to go back and forward in time and change whatever you want.
Got space. Sheesh. On so many quizzes people are dissing the creators for something stupid. Yeah, I can be mean sometimes, but only if the creator did something mean!
DragonKitty the elements are earth, fire, air, and water! Space is just an area of the universe. It's like saying Florida is an element
S5421 -
and also, S542, did u read the title? These are NOBLE ELEMENTS. They're not the common ones. Open ur eyes, dude! See the world around you... INCLUDING THE GREETING PARAGRAPHS!!! God. Jeez.
Space! Yay! I love space! Oh, and S542? SHUT UP! These are noble elements! Not normal elements! Duh! I love the quiz!
awesome quiz!!!! I got space!!! :)
your quiz is sort of dumb and those aren't elements
S5421 -
oh and i 4got to say something.........I LOVE YOUR QUIZES!!!!!!! :D
oh and i 4got to say something.........I LOVE YOUR QUIZES!!!!!!! :D
why did my last post say the same thing 2wice? oh well! :P
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