which ninjago character are you

i created this quiz for people to see which ninjago character they would be. i put a lot of effort in to this quiz and it took a long time to make this quiz.

so as i said before i created this quiz for you. when you do the this quiz i hope you enjoy it and have fun while doing this amazing quiz. at least i hope its amazing.

Created by: jacob

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. are you wise?
  2. are you good at fighting
  3. what's your favorite color
  4. what's your favorite animal?
  5. what's your favorite weapon?
  6. what's your favorite weapon?
  7. what's your favorite season?
  8. are you evil or good?
  9. are you evil or good?
  10. do you play video games?
  11. which character do you like the most?
  12. who do you think your most like?

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Quiz topic: Which ninjago character am I