Which ninja rank are you

This is to show what rank you will be maybe you’ll be hokage like naruto or kakashi so take this quiz to find out. Good luck on the quiz alright get ready.

This, is ,to ,show, what , you ,will be maybe you’ll be hokage like naruto or k.llklhjhjgjgugugugugugtake this ,quiz, to find out. Good luck on the quiz alrigh,,,,,

Created by: Takidan of this site
(your link here more info)
  1. Your on a mission you have to choose between saving teammate or continuing the mission
  2. Your team will lose if you don’t sacrifice
  3. You are rescuinn someone but you get injured what do you do
  4. You are tasked with killing you old friend who has gone rogue
  5. You are captured and are told to tell all you villages secrets
  6. What do you want to be
  7. You are tasked with healing your friend
  8. Do you strive to be strong
  9. Is naruto mid
  10. Final question who wins prime naruto or sasuke

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Quiz topic: Which ninja rank am I
