Which Newsies character are you? (dAvEy oR cRuTcHiE)

Ummm idk what this is about its basically a joke so welcome please take it i dont really care actually ya a meme davey and Crutchie are the best but davey is the best fight me

Also davey is the best this is for you katie BEN FANKHAUSER IS THE MOST TALENTED INNOCENT BEAN EVER TO LIVE ON THIS EARTH ok yea thats all bye see ya later

Created by: I Like Memes
  1. Which character do you like more? dAvEy oR cRuTcHiE?
  2. What would your role be in a stRIKE?
  3. Which newsie is worse
  4. Where did you come from?
  5. Which is your favorite song?
  6. Whats your favorite line from newsies?
  7. Whats your favorite color?
  8. Whos your favorite Disney princess?
  9. East coast or west coast?
  10. Pick a number

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Quiz topic: Which Newsies character am I? (dAvEy oR cRuTcHiE)
