Which Natural Disaster Will You Die In?

Ah, Disasters. One of the only bad things here on planet earth. There could be tornadoes, floods, fires, and even earthquakes! but which will you die in?

Created by: asdqw1
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Which element do you think you belong with?
  2. If you WERE in a tornado, what would you do first?
  3. If you WERE in a flood, what would you do first?
  4. If you WERE in a fire, what would you do first?
  5. If you WERE in an earthquake, what would you do first?
  6. When in a disaster, who would you save first?
  7. Can you swim?
  8. Do you have any expeirience from natural disasters?
  10. This is the end. Did you like it?

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Quiz topic: Which Natural Disaster will I Die In?