Which Nativity 1 character are you?

Everyone should love Christmas and if you do yo should love the family film 'Nativity!' There are some mega fans out there including me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ever wondered which character of Nativity 1 you are. Well this is the place to find out. Will you be: Mr Poppy Mr Maddens Bob Becki and Tom Gordon Shakespear ??

Created by: Lauren

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. How do you feel about Christmas?
  2. What's your favourite part in the Christmas play?
  3. What do you feel about ST Burnadettes.
  4. How do you feel about your head teacher?
  5. Do you like St Burnadettes
  6. DO you like Oakmoore school?
  7. What is your ideal uniform for school?
  8. You sing a song in a show, who with.
  9. What's your ideal nativity.
  10. Pick the smiley that most describes you.

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Quiz topic: Which Nativity 1 character am I?