Which Naruto Boy will you date??? RP

In this quiz, I will predict who you like. And if you get who you want there is a short little story. Hope you like my quiz! Maybe you could also give feedback?

If you are a Naruto fan TAKE THIS QUIZ. Also they only boys who will be in this is Neji Kiba Naruto Sasuke and Rock Lee. I hope you like it and have a nice day!!

Created by: Julia
  1. You walk out the front door and just as you are about to leave, Naruto jumps in front of you your faces inches apart. "Hey y/n!"
  2. "I heard there is gonna be a party! You in?" Naruto says.
  3. "Yeah, I'm/he is coming!" naruto says.
  4. "Ok! It's at 9" He leaves. What guy do you want?
  5. You go to the party and you see...
  6. You guys play spin the bottle. Its Sakura's turn.
  7. She lands on sasuke. How do you react?
  8. You play and then it finally gets to you. You spin the bottle and it lands on...
  9. You walk over to him and...
  10. After the parties over you walk with friends all the way to your house. Now Let fate decide who you would date.

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Quiz topic: Which Naruto Boy will I date??? RP
