which narnia character are you?

This is about Narnia and what character are you I wanted to make this because I saw other quizs and though to myself I want to make one so I looked on a lot of sites and found this one and I used it.

I wanted to make it about Narnia because I though it was something different so I though of which Narnia character are you and made it this is my first ever quiz I will be making more soon bye.

Created by: naoise
  1. If you found an other world would you tell your family?
  2. Are you Evil or Good?
  3. If there where war would you fight of plan an escape?
  4. are you the oldest,youngest,middle?
  5. what place whould you be in going through the waldrobe?
  6. Who is your favourite character?
  7. Would you rather it be Winter or Summer?
  8. Would you rather have your life taken or another persons life taken?
  9. what do you want to be remembered as?
  10. Dusk or Dawn?

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Quiz topic: Which narnia character am I?