Which mythical creature are you

First quiz short but meh I don't care cause GTQ only made me have two answers....., ...... ...,....... ..,..... ... .,..... ......, ...... ,..... ...,..... ....

Enjoy dudes...... .....,..... ...... ….,...... ....,....... .......,....... .....,........ .........,........ ......,... ..............,. ............ ..........

Created by: Shadowlynx49
  1. Ya like jazz?
  2. There are only two results
  3. Would you rather a pheonix or a dragon?
  4. This is a short one cause I'm brain dead and it's my first one
  5. Gudbye :D
  6. Ransom question ya like Dragons
  7. Of u said yes this question is for u, would you read wings of fire
  8. If you said no this is for u, why just the basic reason
  9. If you said the screeching bit, how are you today
  10. Now it's gudbye fr this time

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Quiz topic: Which mythical creature am I

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