Which Mythical Creature are You?

In this Quiz you will discover which Mythical creature you are. some of the questions are based off of mythology, while others are based on preferences.

Please answer the questions truthfully, and if you don't like the answer, than try again or do another quiz. Most of the results are well known creatures, however there may be one or two that aren't.

Created by: David
  1. What's Your Favorite Color
  2. Which weapon would you rather use in battle
  3. Which animal would you rather have as a pet?
  4. What's Your Favorite Food
  5. What's your favorite movie?
  6. What's Your favorite book series?
  7. Who's Your Favorite of the Greek gods?
  8. What's your favorite Mythical Creature
  9. Who's your favorite Roman god?
  10. Why are you taking this quiz?

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Quiz topic: Which Mythical Creature am I?
