Which My Little Pony are you

my little pony, my little pony, my my my my my my little pony! I used to wonder what friendship could be. my little pony. and your sharing is magic with me.

big adventures, tons of fun, a little heart made full and strong. sharing kindness, it's an easy feat, and magic makes it all complete, yeah, my little pony, did you know you're all my very best friends!

Created by: Eliana
  1. do you like reading
  2. do you like fashion designing?
  3. If YOU had a ellimint who'd it be loyalty?
  4. do you like apple-buking?
  5. do you like woodland critters?
  6. do you like party's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?
  7. do you say random sentences all the time
  8. are you a pony
  9. are you a person
  10. are you a bird

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Quiz topic: Which My Little Pony am I